Thursday, February 26, 2009

Nine Queens

Fabian Bielinsky, 2000, Argentina (7.6*)
The title of this Argentinian con artist story refers to a sheet of nine stamps of Queen Wilhemina of Germany, now worth a small fortune, and a small-time con artist who has a chance for a big score. He runs into a street criminal after losing his own partner in crime (who disappeared) and the two pair up "for a day". Suddenly each is contributing their time and some of their own money in a high stakes game to sell some expertly counterfeited stamps to a millionaire. Gorgeously sexy Leticia Brédice provides some romantic interest, but the story here is the intricate plot, reminiscent of David Mamet's con artist films House of Games and The Spanish Prisoner. So if you like heavy plotting with little action, this is for you.


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Artist, photographer, composer, author, blogger, metaphysician, herbalist

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These are the individual film reviews of what I'm considering the best 1000 dvds available, whether they are films, miniseries, or live concerts. Rather than rush out all 1000 at once, I'm doing them over time to allow inclusion of new releases - in fact, 2008 has the most of any year so far, 30 titles in all; that was a very good year for films, one of the best ever.

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